Advanced TCP traffic generator
Todo List
Global cflow::late_connect
Some of this flow option members are duplicates from the _flow_settings struct (see common.h).
Global flow::statistics::iat_min
Create an array for IAT / RTT and delay
Global get_tcp_info (struct flow *flow, struct fg_tcp_info *info)
FreeBSD 9.1 doesn't fill these members, but maybe FreeBSD 10.0 will fill it, so get rid of this ifdef
Global read_data (struct flow *flow)
process_rtt(), process_iat(), and process_delay () call all gettime(). Quite inefficient...
Global report::iat_min
Create an array for IAT / RTT and delay
Global report_flow (struct report *report)
Maybe just use compare daemon pointers?
Global sanity_check (void)
more sanity checks... (e.g. if port is in valid range)